About the Author

Sandra Hurt

I attended a lecture about women in the early 1990s when an image flashed on the screen behind the speaker’s head.  It was a photograph of a woman painted on a fresco in the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii.  My mind told me I had never seen it before, but I recognized her.

This event put me on a journey to tell her story.  Trips to Greece and Italy.  Classes on art, archaeology and architecture.  Classes on mythology and psychological interpretations of the Pompeiian fresco cycle in Carl Jung’s writings. 


But there was nothing like sitting on the stone floor in the very room of the Villa where this woman’s portrait gleams, her chin in her hand and looking right at me.  

I have spent years finding my way into her story, the story I know I was meant to write. It has been a long and sometimes difficult journey. Once, when I was feeling lost, a book I was reading fell open to this passage: 

“The way is a blind waiting, a doubtful listening and groping. One is convinced that one will burst.

 But the resolution is born from precisely this tension and it almost always appears where one did not expect it. But what is the resolution? It is always something ancient and precisely because of this something new, for when something long since passed away comes back again in a changed world, it is new. The task is to give birth to the ancient in a new time.”
—Carl Jung, The Red Book 


I am currently writing Book Two of the series.  

Sandy Hurt lives in Carmel, Indiana with her husband, Stan.  Contact her at sandyhurt4@gmail.com

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